Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I have been researching the use of widgets, which I'm sure most of you will know more about this than I do. Apparently they have been around for quite some time, only they were called badges or modules? Now with Vista, obviosuly they may become more popular. I understand that the new windows comes with already installed widgets (weather and news). I'm supposed to be receiving Vista in the mail; I bought a new computer in January. From the brief reading that I have done, there are two kinds of widgets: web and desktop. I have been tryint to install a couple of web widgets onto my blog, and I think that I have been successful - bookmarking and a calendar. I plan on adding Flickr, but I have to get to my marking and my paper. I am hoping to do more reading and work with these widgets over the weekend.

These widgets may prove to be a very popular and convenient method to manage all the "new knowledge" of this digital era, another step in creating networks.

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