Friday, September 12, 2008

Back at It

Hi Everyone,

I have decided that I have taken a long enough break from blogging and social networking. I just couldn't continue for awhile, but it is time. I need to re-connect and continue my journey of learning. I was re-reading a comment from Kelly Christopherson from quite some time ago. I has written about some busy and crazy things and he just said to let it go. I lost my brother to suicide a year, and this was the second suicide in my immediate family. I will describe some of the issues involving these tragedies in the months to come, which I hope will continue my journey of healing.

I am Prinicpal for my second year, and my immediate plan is to begin a doctoral degree. For the few people who have followed my blog, I completed my Master's Degree just over a year ago.


Anonymous said...

So glad to have you back. Your personal losses, while painful I think provide insights and context to your journey as well. Learning is, for better or worse, personal. Your willingness to share your learning journey will definitely be a help to who knows how many. And the thing is, even if it's one person, isn't that worth it?

Durff said...

Welcome back! Anticipating great thoughts shared here!